Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sondagem (4) : Concordas com shows de animais nos circos ?

A votação foi pouco concorrida, com apenas 9 participantes, mas o resultado foi unânime:

66% dos votantes não concordam com a existência de animais nos circos (nem domésticos nem selvagens)
11% disseram que sim, mas só os animais domésticos
22% disseram que sim a qualquer animal porque é didático

Já agora deixo o desafio a quem me visita de sugerir um tema ou mais temas para futura sondagens.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

Every single day many people die.
Every single second someone dies!
People you don’t know.
People you don’t care about as they’re too far away.
Physically and spiritually too far away.
Because they don’t have any relation to you.
Because you have no time to think about it.
It’s just another death… that’s all.
While you’re giving a bite on your juicy beefsteak with chips during dinner another suicide bomber makes 30 more innocent deaths in Iraq.
You feel pity but you just get used to it.
Every fucking day you listen to the same kind of news.
Another car crash…
A fire due to a short circuit in an old electrical installation takes two more lives…
A husband kills his wife and kids and commits suicide…
Another car caught in a railway…
Due to a long term disease someone we don’t know has left this world…

Suddenly something changes…
You get to know someone who knows the one who died.
And then you know indirectly the one who died.
It’s like an ambush.
Then you know the one who died. Although not that well, you have once met him at a party and you even had a short conversation about politics with him…
You start thinking about it. Why him ? He seemed to be such a nice guy ! He didn’t deserve to die so young ! Does anyone do ?
And then we start thinking that death is closer than we ever thought before, like when we were eating that juicy beefsteak with chips.
It’s not that far away, and we are never ready for it when it involves someone we know and care about and love.
It’s much harder then.

Harder then when it’s over.